
Your partner for Sales and Partner Programmes, Change Management and Sales Leadership

Account plan

A strong account plan should include a good mix of current buying accounts, prospects, suspects and greenfield, where Greenfield is new accounts to be developed.


A sales organisation should love and live their forecast. The forecast is a key instrument for business and operational planning. To drive a stable quality forecast an effective Sales Methodology to qualify accounts is critical to success. The account review delivers the current status, drives the forecast and identifies the needed actions, by owner as well as time restrictions and helps flag the risks.

Time management

To keep the momentum and drive growth a reviewed time management program should be in place.

Sales calls

An agenda with the key success factors for the meeting should be produced before any sales call.

Sales reporting from every customer activity is not only a tool to share information, but can be used to involve the people needed to drive and deliver on the action plans.

Sales meeting

Regular sales meeting where progress forecasts are reviewed and best practices are shared including recognition of the high performers is a strong motivator for a sales force. New Sales tools and Training should be included.

One to one reviews, planning and goal setting should take place separately.

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